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Ryan doesn't like writing "About" pages...



Ryan really didn’t want to write this page. In fact, he spent more time trying to avoid writing this than he did on his novel (only kidding, but not about the novel, you should totally read that). But after semi-exhaustive research upon the giant, never-ending garage sale that is the internet, he resigned himself to the reality that an "About" page was a necessary staple of a creative mind's website. So, here we are, and now you’re expecting something witty and insightful about him.


Good, great, grand, wonderful. No pressure.


Ryan likes to write because, unlike About pages, it's fun and he doesn't have to talk about himself, but also because creating stories when he was a young (as it is now) is the best game of pretend. He prefers stories about adventure, fantasy, romance, extraordinary events, humor, character-focused development, and the occasional existential crisis—just like the task of writing this bio. 


Oh, did I mention he also voice acts?  Why yes, he'd much rather be yelling into a microphone than writing this About page, but all professional advice he's received has assured him you can't just leave an MP3 file on here shouting “I’m a voice actor!” and leave it at that. So, again, here we are. 


Ryan likes to voice act because, like in his writing, he enjoys lying professionally (and for fun). He prefers to voice characters with conflict and interesting quirks. His range? He can do voices between “stereotypical 1980's captain of the football team” to “Roger Rabbit going nuts." Hey, he never said he was any good


When he’s not hiding from writing About pages or going about his day job, Ryan can be found spending time with his family and friends, reading fellow authors' works, taking too many pictures of his cat, fending off the dread of pending mortality, surfing the web for “inspiration,” or re-writing that one chapter for the 50th time. Don't let his tendency towards fiction fool you, he does love his life.  


If you really want to know more about him, just shoot him an email or a DM. But please, just give him enough time to get over his dread of responding with the wrong thing. Or better yet, please read his book or listen to his voice. It's much more fun than this bio—and way less awkward. Oh, and sign up for his newsletter please--that way he can bug you about the above. 


This is the bottom of the page. Don't panic, you can always scroll back up. Or, just click here to learn about the novel Invincible, or click here to learn about Ryan.

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